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Slow Cooker Ranch Pot Roast

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

I’ll be the first to admit that roast wasn’t really in my cooking repertoire when I was first married. My husband grew up eating roast and potatoes every week, usually on Sundays, like most of the midwestern families I knew. Seeing as that my mom was never a huge fan of roast, we rarely ate it at our house. Although roast isn’t something this vegetarian eats anymore, it’s still one of my husbands favorite meals to eat, and one of … Read More

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A Smoothie A Day

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Immediately after having Ainsley, I started on a major smoothie kick. I’ve always loved smoothies, but with a little one they became a necessity for getting a lot of nutrition into one easy-to-prepare meal. I’m planning on doing a post later in the year on protein powders and how to choose one that’s best for you, but until then, I thought I would share with you my g0-to smoothie. I drink one almost every day for either breakfast or lunch, although … Read More

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Easy White Chicken Enchiladas

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

  Now that the holidays are over, I’m really, really looking forward to getting into a bit more of a routine once again. You too? While I love the go-go-go of the holidays and all the time spent with friends and family, there is something really nice about the rhythm of everyday that makes my world go round. Joe’s, too, I think. We’re routine people through and through because we’ve found that when we don’t have a routine, things fall … Read More

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How to *authentically* monetize your blog

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Monetizing your blog. Chances are if you have a blog, you’ve either thought about ways to make money on your site or you’re currently pursuing ways to make money. From the start I’ve been in favor of making money on my site; writing a blog and producing quality content is time consuming and sometimes expensive (especially when you’re developing recipes of posting photos of outfits, etc.) so it seems sensible to mitigate those expenses when possible. Just because you make … Read More

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Homemade Vanilla Eggnog Latte

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

This week we got hammered with more snow and ice, and while I’m usually prone to complain about the winter weather, this year I’ve made it my goal to be more positive about winter, focusing on the coziness of the season, the special drinks and treats that we get to enjoy when the weather is cold and the fun snow-focused activities. Plus, is there anything more peaceful that a late-evening walk outside when the snow is falling and the streets … Read More

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I’m breaking up with Target.

In Family, Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Photo via Unsplash I’ve been thinking a lot about my new small town life lately. Needless to say, moving from Minneapolis to small town Iowa has been a big change. Sure, I grew up in this small town, but living in a community as a child vs. an adult is a totally different ball game. I’ve phoned my mom a dozen times asking where to get/do certain things. Where do you drop off dry cleaning? (Answer: Joe’s TV and Appliance, … Read More

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Quick and Easy No-Bake Pumpkin Cookies

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

No-bake cookies, the kind with cocoa and oats and sugar, are a favorite in our house. They’re easy, tasty and store well for quite a while, which is important when your home crew of cookie eaters is small. I remember my mom telling me stories of how her mom would make these cookies, and the idea of continuing on with that tradition makes me smile. I don’t make no-bake cookies all that often, but when I do they’re always a … Read More

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From the Archives: Fritos Scotcheroos

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Today, just in time for Saturday football games and Halloween, I’m dusting off a recipe from the archives. Joe had a work potluck today and specifically requested that I make these Fritos Scotcheroos. And who am I to deny Joe and his co-workers these amazing bars? Before we get too far, let’s be clear: These are not healthy in any way. In fact, I think I remarked yesterday while making them that they might be the least healthy recipe on … Read More

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Pumpkin Rigatoni with Turkey Bacon

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

I’ve been making some version of this easy pumpkin sauce for more nights than I can count. It’s ultra-easy once you get the hang of making it and goes with pasta as well as roasted veggies. Although my husband’s preference leans strongly toward pasta with turkey bacon, my preference is for spooning it on top of roasted broccoli with a side of toast. This dish could easily be made a day in advance and tossed in the oven for a … Read More

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What’s On My Coffee Table

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

We are smack dab in the middle of my favorite season and I’m soaking up every minute of the crisp-yet-warm weather we’re enjoying in the Midwest. Our new house is slowly coming together, and although we won’t be officially done with our renovation until early next year, I’m trying to make our in-progress house feel as put together and cozy as possible in the meantime. That means chili on the stovetop, coffee brewing around the clock, fall-scented candles burning and … Read More

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Sweet and Salty Roasted Kalettes

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

If I had to choose my favorite vegetable, I would have a seriously difficult time deciding between kale and Brussels sprouts. I know, I know, how chilché and expected, right? But here’s the thing about food trends: most of the time foods become trendy because they’re actually really delicious, so I’ll sing the praises of trendy veggies for as long as I live. Why all this talk about kale and Brussels sprouts? Well, I recently tried Kalettes, a kale-Brussels sprout … Read More

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Yellow Cake + Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

Joe recently celebrated his 28th birthday. I can’t believe that we’ve been celebrating birthdays together for the last 6 years. Where in the world has the time gone? This husband of mine, well I have to say that I think he’s the best. The nearly 4+ years we’ve been married and the years we dated before that (including a little while in high school, too!) have been some of the most wonderful, heartbreaking, difficult, joy-filled years of my life. Isn’t … Read More