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On Going Vegetarian Again

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry14 Comments

  About a month ago, I decided to go back to my vegetarian roots and, once again, embrace the type of eating that helped me get to my body weight “happy place” years ago. Those of you who have been following this blog for any extended period of time probably remember the days when I was vegetarian. In fact, I’ve only been eating meat again for the last year and a half. When I was trying to get pregnant, after … Read More

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30 Minute Meal: French Bread Pizza

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Fall is my absolute favorite season. I know I’m going to sound like a total chiche saying so, but there’s something about the crisp air and the leaves falling and the fact that football is back on TV brings back all sorts of good memories. My birthday is in October and my husband’s birthday is in September, and our dogs both have birthdays in the fall, too, so there’s plenty to celebrate. The change in seasons also means I’m thinking … Read More

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Almond Flour + Coconut Flour Coffee Cake

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This post is brought to you in partnership with Lavazza. All thoughts and opinions are, as always, my own. Happy Monday, friends! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a recipe around these parts. Truth be told, having a baby has hit my cooking game hard and I’ve been ever so slowly working my way back into the kitchen. Mornings have been all about quick, nutrient-packed smoothies and all the coffee, because Miss Ainsley still doesn’t have that whole sleeping through … Read More

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Chocolate Chia Mousse

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

When Ainsley was first born I realized very quickly that if I was going to be sleep-deprived, overwhelmed with new experiences and exhausted, then I better focus on eating well. I mean food is, at its core, all about fuel, so what better way to care for my body than to be mindful about what I was eating. A lot of people talk about the 80/20 rule when it comes to eating healthfully; I strive for that, too, but I’m … Read More

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Coffee & Cream Pops

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Living in Minnesota, the summer months are treasured more than in most areas of the country. I mean, we only get a few truly beautiful months each year so not taking full advantage would be a tragedy. Sure, Minnesota can be awfully cold, but when it’s beautiful? It’s pretty much the best of the best. And perhaps my favorite part about summer is the food. Frozen pops have always been a favorite sweet treat, and I love that people have … Read More

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GoMacro MacoBar Review & Giveaway

In Food & Recipes by Madison Mayberry35 Comments

Lately I’ve been on a snacking kick. Okay, let’s back-up. I’ve been on a snacking kick since little Miss Ainsley arrived on the scene. I’m in this terrible habit of eating super fast when I do get the chance to put something in my mouth and most of the time that’s not a full meal. A little snack here, a little bite of something there; it works for my busy schedule. So when the GoMacro team asked if I would … Read More