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Birthday Gifts for Two Year Olds

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hi Friends! Can you even believe that my little Hollace is TWO?! I had such a hard time last night accepting that I no longer have a baby under my roof. He is officially a “big boy,” but let’s be real, he is always going to be the baby in our family. 🙂 With him being the youngest, the gifts we got him are very much focused on toys that both he AND our bigger kids will enjoy. Knowing we … Read More

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What I’ve Bought on Amazon Lately…

In Family, Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I always love to take a real life peek into what people share when they share what they have actually purchased on Amazon lately. Here is my list! Flowing Amazon Dress I’m not typically a shopper on Amazon for clothes but I got sucked in with this dress. It’s feminine, floral, flowing and such an easy dress to wear. Fits true to size. Rainbow Climbing RopeWe are trying to refresh the swing set that we inherited with the house when … Read More