Hi friends! I talk a lot about clean beauty in this space, but I hear from you all on the regular who are feeling lost on how to find the right products for your skin to get glowing, healthy skin that you can feel good about.
I get it, because I was once there, too! I struggled with acne for years in college, then extremely dry skin as I got a bit older, and generally feeling like my skin was “dull” and uneven. One year I wrote down that my goal for the new year was “to get a big girl skincare routine” which sounds silly, but it’s one New Year’s Resolution I’m happy I kept!
If you’re feeling lost about where to start with Beautycounter I’m ALWAYS happy to help make personalized recommendations (it’s my favorite part of being a consultant!) I know you may like to do a little research on your own. Here is a helpful place to start!

{Dry + Sensitive}
Countermatch Refresh Foaming Cleanser
Countermatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion
Countermatch Recovery Sleeping Cream
{Dry + Mature}
Countertime Regimen or Collection

{Oily + Acne Prone}
Countercontrol Collection
Overnight Resurfacing Peel (used 1-2x per week)
{Combo + Acne Prone}
Charcoal Cleansing Bar
Balancing Face Oil
Overnight Resurfacing Peel (used 1-2x per week)

{The Over Achiever}
Countertime Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil
Countertime Antioxidant Soft Cream
All Bright C Serum
Overnight Resurfacing Peel (used 1-2x per week)
Countermatch Refresh Foaming Cleanser
Countermatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion
Overnight Resurfacing Peel (used 1-2x per week)

{Combo + Sensitive}
Countermatch Refresh Foaming Cleanser
Balancing Face Oil
{Acne Prone + Mature}
Countertime Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil
Countertime Antioxidant Soft Cream
Overnight Resurfacing Peel (used 1-2x per week)
Countercontrol SOS Spot Treatment (on active breakouts)