36 Weeks

In Pregnancy, Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

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First, I can’t believe it’s been so long since I posted a pregnancy update. I looked back and the last update I did was at 27 weeks. Honestly, the third trimester has been a combination of busy and uneventful, so I haven’t had much to write about pregnancy-wise. Now that I’m in the home stretch, I’m excited to get the updates going again!

How far along are you? 36 weeks 4 days Cravings? The entire third trimester has been all about me craving smoothies! I just can get enough of them. I’ve been blending up fruit juice, milk and frozen berries in all ways, shapes and forms and swear that I could drink a smoothie for every meal of the day. I’ve also been drinking a ton of orange juice which is strange considering I’ve never been a big fan of orange juice prior to the end of this pregnancy. Oh, and water with ice!Weight Gain: At my 36 week appointment I was up 27 pounds, so right within the normal range. Fears: Now that labor and delivery is becoming a reality, I’ve been a bit more nervous about actually giving birth. There are just so many unknowns! I’ve read what I think is enough to be informed, but I’m doing my best to leave any expectations for labor and delivery at the door when I give birth. Sure, I have a vague idea of how I would like things to go, but I’m not tied to any one way in particular. Generally Feeling: I’m generally feeling large and uncomfortable. That’s pretty normal, right? I’m finding that very few of my clothes fit at this point, even the maternity ones, so I’ve been living in a constant rotation of a few pairs of leggings/jeans and a few tops and dresses that still work. The other day Joe put my favorite wool maternity sweater in the washing machine and I thought I was going to break down in tears because I have so few items of clothing that make me feel pretty at this point. Ha! Looking Forward To: Meeting our baby! I’m just so dang excited. Joe and I both feel like this is a big race we’ve trained for and we’re ready to just start running! The anticipation is killing me. What I’ve Been Loving: We had an ultrasound this week to check on baby’s growth and a non stress test to make sure little one is doing well. Everything checked out great and made me even more excited for this baby to actually get here. 
Maternity Clothes? Ha! Yes, maternity clothes and a lot of Joe’s clothes for lounging around the house.
Signs of Labor? Just recently I’ve started experiencing a few Braxton Hicks contractions now and again. At our 36 week appointment we found out baby is hanging out really, really low, so low that the ultrasound tech couldn’t even get a good, accurate measurement of the head. Also, during the ultrasound baby’s heartbeat was on the lower side, around 118 BPM, so my doctor volunteered to do a non-stress test to ease my mind. Good news is that baby’s happy and healthy! But the non-stress test did pick up plenty of contractions, so maybe our peanut will come before March 1st? At this point that would be fine with me! 
Boy or Girl: Keeping it a surprise until March! (edit)