How far along are you? 24 weeks 3 days Cravings? Still nothing new or exciting to report here! I think Joe actually wishes that I had some sort of unique or interesting craving since you hear so many funny stories from other people. I’ve been eating a lot of string cheese, yogurt and baked potatoes this week, along with pizza, which continues to be my favorite pregnancy food. Thankfully veggies are still my friend, so there has been a fair share of kale, broccoli and green beans consumed as well. Weight Gain: At my 24 week appointment this week I was up 16 pounds. I’m continuing to be encouraged to eat, eat, eat. Although I’m finding that it’s hard for me to eat more than my pre-pregnancy eating. I’m trying my best to snack more throughout the day. Fears: I’ve felt so peaceful about our baby and this pregnancy over the past few weeks. It’s been a total answer to prayer! Hitting 24 weeks also felt like a big milestone since that’s the earliest that our baby could technically be born and have a chance of survival outside the womb. Of course, that’s not something I’m wishing for by any means! But it’s nice to know that if something were to go wrong there would be things our doctor could do to help our little one. The way I see it now, every day and week past 24 weeks feels like bonus time for our baby to grow and develop! Generally Feeling: Feeling good for the most part! I notice that if I sit for extended periods of time, I feel very sore and achy when I get up and walk. I can’t imagine what it’s going to feel like further down the road! I slacked a bit on workouts this last week, so I’m hoping to get back into the regular gym routine in the coming week, which makes such a difference in how I feel mentally and emotionally as well as physically. Looking Forward To: We have our next ultrasound (to check on appropriate growth) at 26 weeks, right before Thanksgiving. I’ve gotten so used to regular ultrasounds that I’m looking forward to seeing our little peanut again soon! I also get to take my glucose test at that appointment, which I’m not all that excited about. What I’ve Been Loving: I’ve been loving how active this little baby is! It’s amazing to feel the kicks and rolls and flips that are going on throughout the day, and now that I’m further along the movement is consistent, which is nice. It’s fun to have a constant reminder that he/she is doing well and growing bigger and stronger by the day.
Maternity Clothes? Yes! As I’ve mentioned before, I know some people wear their old clothes for as long as possible before switching to maternity, but I found that to be the worst! There is nothing like trying to squeeze your new body into your old clothes to remind you how much things have changed. I’m wearing lots of leggings, boots and longer maternity tops and sweaters as well as the handful of maternity dresses I’ve mentioned in previous posts.
Boy or Girl: Keeping it a surprise until March!