Running Short on Time

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry19 Comments

A couple weeks ago, Joe and I got to talking about time, more specifically what seems like the lack of time we have as we grow older. As we’ve gotten married and transitioned into adulthood it feels as if the number of things, events and people demanding of our time grows and our time shrinks away. In many ways this is a lovely problem to have I suppose, a sign of a full life with many loved ones to see and adventures to be had, but a part of me can’t help but feeling stretched thin. I can’t imagine how we will feel when we add kids to the mix someday!

Of course, there are the day-to-day responsibilities, like our jobs, staying healthy and active, doing laundry, cleaning and making dinners.

And since neither Joe nor I work in the community in which we live, there is also the pull we feel to develop deeper relationships with members of our Church family and Bible study, to feel more rooted and connected right here in Central Iowa. Last year, we spent too many weekends traveling and I think our relationships here developed very slowly because of it. We want desperately to change that in the months ahead, and that takes time.

Our families live various distances away. My dad, second mom and little sisters in Idaho and we don’t see them nearly as much as I would like to or as we should. Joe’s parents and my mom in NW Iowa, five hours away. Joe’s sister and brother-in-law and our nephew, Baylen, four hours away, and Joe’s brother and his wife, four hours away. My best friend, four hours away. It all takes time.

Joe and I are both the type of people who need down time to do the mundane things in life in order to not wear ourselves ragged and to feel recharged. It’s difficult to say “no” to opportunities, events and activities in a culture that glorifies being constantly busy and on-the-go.

How do you strike a balance between what you know you need and what others need from you? I’m sure the answer is different for everyone, but I’m curious to know if anyone else feels the same way and if they have learned to find a balance that works for them and their family.

Can any of you relate to how I’m feeling? Tell me I’m not alone…