My 5 Things: Cassandra Jones

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

WHO: Cassandra Jones
WHAT: Massage Therapy College Student
WHERE: Idaho
My name is Cassandra, and I hail from the dessert reaches of the Southwest, though my heart is permanently and irrevocably planted in the state of Idaho. I’m currently a first-time college student in pursuit of my massage therapy license, a soon-to-be fiance planning a wedding to my true love (Princess Bride, anyone?), and an administrative assistant for a non-profit agency that helps abuse survivors.
1. Clear Skin
I have struggled for years and years and years with bacne (never realizing it was related to a medical condition!), and I’m finally starting to get a grip on it. (Did you know that topical colloidal silver can help get rid of acne? Yeah, me either. Until now!) Even if no one else can see it, knowing that my skin is clean and healthy does amazing things for my self-confidence.
2. Dressing in Garb
Did I mention I’m secretly a Rennie? Okay, this doesn’t make me feel so much “beautiful” as it makes me feel like… myself. I revel in the strange looks I get when my roomie and I hit up WalMart in garb.
3. Holding a Baby
My maternal instincts kick in and suddenly I’m beautiful, the baby is beautiful, the whole scenario is just beautiful. (As far as the picture goes… what can I say? I started young)
4. A Good Bra
When the girls look good, you look good.
5. Smarts
Being able to discuss the virtues of Tesla vs. Edison/traditional nuclear reactors vs. liquid fluoride thorium reactors or explain the role of the hypothalamus in endocrine function/break down the dopamine reward cycle and subsequent addiction cycle (all real-life conversations I’ve had at least once this past week) makes me feel pretty darn beautiful. Granted, it’s more of the “beauty is on the inside” type, but you get the idea.
If you want to share 5 things that make you feel beautiful, please shoot me an e-mail ( for more information!