This year has pretty much knocked me off my feet. Over the past twelve months my life has changed in such remarkable ways that it’s hard to remember what things were like at this time last December. There was a new relationship, a graduation from college and my first big-girl apartment. Falling in love while trying to figure out just what it was that I hoped to do with my life. No one really prepares you for how difficult it is, coming into your own after college. There were flowers – too many to count – and kisses, too. Plenty of laughs, a few tears, my first camping trip and a phone call letting me know I had landed my first full-time job.
And if all those things weren’t enough, this weekend was the capstone on a year I will never forget, because the love of my life whisked me off my feet with a surprise trip to NYC. There were letters, four in total, that took me from one surprise to the next, each more wonderful than the one before. And at the end of the scavenger hunt was the best surprise of all.
There, in front of the tree at Rockefeller Center, the man I love more than anything in the world got down on one knee and said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. How I got so lucky, I’ll never know. I am blessed beyond anything that I deserve. I wish I had words to express what I’m feeling, but for now I don’t. Perhaps in the future I will. One thing is for certain: this has been one heck of a year.