Sunday Funday

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

Want to know a little secret? Sometimes I have a deep desire to be a really good lifestyle blogger. Some of my favorite blogs fall into the lifestyle category (Story of my Life, Love Taza, Aspiring Kennedy, to name a few.) These women take beautiful photos and inspire me every time I read a post. And their photography? It’s amazing.

Of course, the first step to capturing more life moments would be to actually take your camera out and use it for things other than snapping photos of food, right? Duh. But for some reason, I keep forgetting to take my camera out and capture those candid moments.

Somewhere along the lines, our house became game day central. Sundays after church we rush home to get food ready (usually something grilled, like burgers or brats) in time for our friends to arrive for the Vikings game. The guys who come over are all former college football players, so they like to relieve their college glory days during halftime and play a little football in the yard.

Nutmeg and all the girls in attendance take a rather passive role sitting in the sunshine while they play. And this week, I played the role of sideline photographer. Judging by the photos I took, these guys still have what it takes. Either that, or I’m really good with a camera.




Happy Monday!