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Best Shorts for Moms This Summer

In Family, Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

With warmer weather right around the corner (we have shorts weather on the horizon next week!) I’m thinking about my warmer weather wardrobe a bit more. I’ve purchased all of these shorts and worn them time and time again and continue to love them for mom life! I hope this makes your life a little easier this spring as you look for shorts that are both cute + practical for mom life and chasing after kiddos! Everlane Easy Short I … Read More

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We’re Moving!

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Today we are talking about some big changes ahead for our family. As many of you have seen over the last few weeks on Instagram – we are moving! AND we are selling our lake house. I’ve gotten a lot of questions about all of the changes and thought I would share all the frequently asked questions here in a single post. A few years ago I was feeling the strong desire to find a house in a very specific … Read More

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Screen Detox For Kids

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Friends, a couple weeks ago I was noticing the need for a media detox for our kids. Attitudes were crummy, they seemed to be asking for TV more and more, and a little TV or screen time was turning into whining over more screen time. Anyone know the feeling? We started by saying we were taking two weeks off from all television and screens. There were some protests and discontent, for sure, but after a little bit of time they all settled … Read More

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Homemade Pizza Dough

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Friday night is pizza night in our home. I think it probably is in many households? We love to order pizza in, but I much prefer making homemade pizza. I don’t typically measure the ingredients for our pizza dough but since I get asked often what recipe we use, I figured it was high time to measure and share with you all. If you want to see the recipe being made in action, head on over to Instagram where I … Read More

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Chicken Teriyaki Bowls

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hi, sweet friends! I don’t know about you, but I’ve been in a bit of a dinnertime rut. I think it’s the late winter blah feeling where you’re tired of all your winter staples and yet the bounty of spring and summer hasn’t quite yet arrived. One of my favorite easy meals is a “bowl meal” where I can toss things together in a bowl for a mix of flavors and ease for serving. This meal was SO dang easy. … Read More

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All Time Hall of Fame :: Workout Gear

In Family, Fashion by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

It wouldn’t take more than a glance or two through my closet to see that I have some very favorite workout gear on rotation again and again. When I say workout gear, I mean clothes I wear both for actually working out, and running around with the kids (which is a workout in and of itself!) I’m (very) picky about my workout gear. So while I do have some pieces that are less expensive, I am never willing to sacrifice … Read More

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Easy Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hi, friends! One of the things I want to do a better job of is sharing more easy family meals this year on the blog. I am always searching for more fast meals that our whole family enjoys and are truly easy, so I hope that in sharing what works for us, it helps you as well. We are just getting into the season of life where our family is on the go more than we have been in the … Read More

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Our Family’s Favorite Games

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

We’ve been getting into playing games as a family more now than we have ever in the past. With Ainsley and Collins getting old enough to enjoy more games, it’s become so much fun! A big kudos to my mom, our family’s game curator, who has discovered nearly all our family’s favorite games listed below. I hope this helps any of you who are cooped up inside and in need of some new games to play with your family during … Read More

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Postpartum Hair Regrowth

In Family, Fashion, Pregnancy by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

Hollace is nearly eight months old and I’m dealing with the worst part of postpartum in my opinion…. postpartum hair regrowth! Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it’s growing back! But it’s always a very awkward stage when your hair is sprouting regrowth all over the place and you’re left with a funny-looking hair halo. With that said, here are a few of my favorite products and supplements to help with postpartum hair regrowth. Nothing is a “magic cure” but … Read More

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Apple Streusel Pie (and pie bar recipe)

In Food & Recipes by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I shared this recipe in November with my email subscribers (PS: If you’re not an email subscriber, be sure to get on the list HERE) and now I’m giving it a home on the blog. It’s quickly become my FAVORITE pie recipe and a family favorite, too. I’ve been making this recipe for a few months now, but it wasn’t until I needed a breakfast/brunch dish for a church group get together this weekend that I thought to turn this … Read More

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Semi-Last Minute Gifts for Kids

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

This one is for all my fellow friends trying to tie up loose ends, making Christmas lists and then checking them twice to be sure you’ve got your bases covered! With four kids, it’s a bit of a master puzzle to be sure you’ve got everyone taken care of. I’ve pulled together a list of things our kids either have OR are getting from us + family this year that I think would be huge hits and are available with … Read More

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Indoor Air Quality

In Family by Madison MayberryLeave a Comment

I talk a lot about improving our overall health in regards to what we eat and what we use on our bodies. But another area that our family has worked hard to improve in recent years is the quality of the air we breathe in our home. Over the last couple years I’ve read more and more about indoor air quality, and what we can do to improve our indoor air quality. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission… “In … Read More