Weekends are near the top of my list of favorite things, and while there may not be a hard and fast formula for a great weekend, I’ve found that if you combine at least two of the following, you are guaranteed to have a fabulous two days: *Beautiful weather*Loved ones*Baking a new recipe*Scrabble*Exercise*Good food*Lots of coffee I was lucky enough to have a weekend that included all of the above. And while I would hardly be able to justify baking … Read More
Black Bean and Corn Salsa
It’s a beautiful day here in Iowa. The kind of day that makes you forget winter ever existed and makes you fall in love with this crazy state all over again. Goodbye boots, heavy coats, scarves, and gloves. Hello sundresses, sandals, sunglasses and the like. Well, maybe I’m getting a bit ahead of myself since it’s only going to be sunny and 51* today – hardly flip flop and swim suit weather. But there’s no denying this weather has got … Read More
Tangy Dijon Coleslaw
Yesterday I….. …spent too much money on a high-tech scale that tells not only weight but body fat percentage. …tried on swimsuits during a quick trip to return a dress at the mall. …came to the realization that summer is right around the corner, and a spring vacation to Florida (hello beach!) is even closer. Apparently I’m a glutton for punishment, because I can’t imagine what else would result in such behavior. But I tell you all this so you’ll … Read More
White Chocolate Cream Puffs
Looking back at my childhood, I think my mom was preparing me for a career in food. I may not have eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich until 7th grade and have yet to try gravy, but I did frequently experience the joy of biting into a freshly baked sourdough roll or sitting down to a dinner of homemade beef stew and biscuits. And while other parents may have run to the bakery on occasion, my mom whipped up … Read More
Peanut Butter-White Chocolate Chip Cookies
When I first started baking, chocolate chip cookies were my greatest source of frustration. It seemed that everyone except me had their own trademark recipe. And while I could properly duplicate a batch from the back of the Toll House bag, it wasn’t enough. After two years and many trials, it finally happened. It was love at first bite and after that moment, there was no looking back. At this point you might be wondering where the chocolate chips are. … Read More
Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins
Last night, one of my oldest and dearest friends (yeah, I know I’m only 22 so how ‘old’ can this friend really be, but just play along) gave me a call to catch up. Like me, he recently graduated from college and is adjusting to life in the real world, which includes feeding himself. I’m not entirely sure how the topic of eating habits came up, but after our conversation I’m pretty sure he wishes it hadn’t. Because after telling … Read More
Amaretto Chocolate Truffles
Ahhh if only every weekend could be a four-day weekend. Needless to say, a trip to the mountains of Winter Park was much needed. While I did manage to escape from reality for a few days, the flight back gave me ample time to think about what I wanted to share with you all. When I got home I set down my suitcase, made a list, and headed to the grocery store for supplies. Then I got back to work … Read More
Super Simple Carrot Soup
This post is going to have to be short and sweet. You see, I’m going away for the weekend. Flying away to be exact. To Colorado for a long weekend of skiing with family and friends. I’ve been skiing since I was very little, but my last ski trip (to Vermont) was more than memorable. It involved a family road trip, a lost driver’s license, and three days of skiing with four Floridians (my sisters, step-mom, and dad) – two … Read More
Triple Chocolate Tart
Can I confess something to you? I have a serious case of guilt. You see, in my mind blogs are supposed to be magical, fun, creative, and above all – delicious. But after weighing you all down with my last post full of talk about fruit, vegetable, and calorie counts I figured I owed you an apology. Sure, fruits and veggies are very important, but sharing with you something as mundane as a smoothie, and then having the audacity to … Read More
Fruit and Veggie Smoothie
Most nights before dinner I do a mental tally to track how many fruits and veggies I’ve had throughout the day, and most nights it’s not much of an uplifting experience. I’ll be honest, sometimes my food ‘pyramid’ is dismally out of balance. Heavy on the carbohydrates, low on fruits and veggies, you know the drill. And while I’ve never been much of a fruit juice or V8 drinker, I am a big advocate of the smoothie. I’ve had quite … Read More
Red Wine Pot Roast
I absolutely love that the days are getting longer and the weather is (a bit) warmer. It’s a nice thought knowing when I get home after work I still have a couple hours of sunlight left to enjoy and there’s a slight chance I may be able to get away without wearing a coat in the morning on my way out the door. The first signs of spring always make me feel like the best is yet to come, which … Read More
Almond Citrus Olive Oil Cake and a Winner
Thank you to everyone who entered the Everyday Food giveaway! It was great to hear from so many of you and your e-mails truly made my day. Thanks to random.org, the randomly-generated winner is: Karen Rau! I look forward to hosting more giveaways in the future, so check back for a chance to win. Now back to your regularly scheduled posting: I am a creature of habit, I think most of us are, so it suits me just fine that … Read More